TV Kits

<type>2</type><id>F7996E18-FCCB-4C4C-98F4-932563BE683F</id><pi>D46C8290-CB8E-4F7C-94EF-8ED34CF9BCA1</pi><ci>C6E037E3-6B93-45F4-80C0-76B2B16A5C36</ci><name>TV Cord Cover Kits</name><code>097733</code><itl>4</itl><sq>1</sq><ifa2>914.08</ifa2><ifa8>9.0000</ifa8><d1>Our Flat Screen TV Cord Cover Kit makes it a snap to hide wires. It&#039;s very easy to install and can be painted to blend seamlessly into any wall. To add a component, snap off the cover, add the cables, and snap the cover back on. Organize and hide cords and cables easily. It&#039;s the best thing to happen to TV since the remote. 30" cord cover features pre-drilled holes to simplify mounting and includes wall screws and anchors.<br/><br/><b>Features and Benefits</b><ul><li>Hide wires: hides and organizes LCD/Plasma cords and cables.<li>Paintable: blend seamlessly with any wall.</li><li>Add a component: snap off the cover, add the cables, and snap the cover back on.</li><li>Snap-on/Snap-off Cover: makes adding additional wires easy</li><li>30" Cord Cover (CMK30): comes with wall screws and anchors</li></ul>Base and cover can be cut to fit</d1><d3><syncro><br/><database>EC-ZA-0-39-Legrand Master Database</database><br/><code>097734|097733</code><br/></syncro></d3><d4><parent>Residential\Cable Management\TV Kits</parent><firstid>9958B14A-4EBA-4EE4-AAFB-04C5BB490876</firstid><firsttps>269987</firsttps><com>Legrand-Extra</com></d4><imn>EC-ZA-0-30--0000271328--2-1.jpg</imn><imagename1>EC-ZA-0-30--0000271328--2-1.jpg</imagename1><imp>(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Legrand\Catalogue\images</imp><ifa1>794.85</ifa1><ifa5>0</ifa5>

TV Cord Cover Kits - 097733

R 914.08
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<type>2</type><id>7A788021-2147-4376-8EA7-10EDA7F10090</id><pi>D46C8290-CB8E-4F7C-94EF-8ED34CF9BCA1</pi><ci>C6E037E3-6B93-45F4-80C0-76B2B16A5C36</ci><name>TV Cord Cover Kits</name><code>097734</code><itl>4</itl><sq>2</sq><ifa2>1003.33</ifa2><d1>Our Flat Screen TV Cord Cover Kit makes it a snap to hide wires. It&#039;s very easy to install and can be painted to blend seamlessly into any wall. To add a component, snap off the cover, add the cables, and snap the cover back on. Organize and hide cords and cables easily. It&#039;s the best thing to happen to TV since the remote. 30" cord cover features pre-drilled holes to simplify mounting and includes wall screws and anchors.<br/><br/><b>Features and Benefits</b><ul><li>Hide wires: hides and organizes LCD/Plasma cords and cables.<li>Paintable: blend seamlessly with any wall.</li><li>Add a component: snap off the cover, add the cables, and snap the cover back on.</li><li>Snap-on/Snap-off Cover: makes adding additional wires easy</li><li>30" Cord Cover (CMK30): comes with wall screws and anchors</li><li>Base and cover can be cut to fit</li></ul></d1><d3><weblink></weblink></d3><d4><parent>Residential\Cable Management\TV Kits</parent><firstid>9958B14A-4EBA-4EE4-AAFB-04C5BB490876</firstid><firsttps>269987</firsttps><com>Legrand-Extra</com></d4><imn>EC-ZA-0-30--0000271329--2-1.jpg</imn><imagename1>EC-ZA-0-30--0000271329--2-1.jpg</imagename1><imp>(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Legrand\Catalogue\images</imp><ifa1>872.46</ifa1><ifa5>0</ifa5>

TV Cord Cover Kits - 097734

R 1,003.33
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