27299B454-7499-4737-AA3D-267D8D0D5CF12D994B38-DC56-42F2-9D18-CBB87EF75926C6E037E3-6B93-45F4-80C0-76B2B16A5C3667Magnesium Arteor with Netatmo Wireless SwitchPNW24MM1586.0933.0000Residential\Connected Home\Arteor with Netatmo\Arteor with Netatmo Prepacks\Magnesium2D994B38-DC56-42F2-9D18-CBB87EF75926PNW24MM.jpgPNW24MM.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Legrand\Catalogue\images2D994B38-DC56-42F2-9D18-CBB87EF759260
  • Used to add an extra lighting control
  • Easy pairing by tapping the wired product
  • Controls up to 20 wired products: switches, micromodules, socket outlets
  • Supplied with CR2032 3 V long-life battery for power supply and 4 removable stickers for fixing the control unit on any substrate.
  • LED function for low battery indication

Please note that this product needs to be installed by a Legrand accredited Arteor with Netatmo installer for your warranty to be valid. Click Here for the list of accredited installers

Magnesium Arteor with Netatmo Wireless Switch

  1. Residential
  2.  > Connected Home
  3.  > Arteor with Netatmo
  4.  > Arteor with Netatmo Prepacks
  5.  > Magnesium
Code: PNW24MM
  • Used to add an extra lighting control
  • Easy pairing by tapping the wired product
  • Controls up to 20 wired products: switches, micromodules, socket outlets
  • Supplied with CR2032 3 V long-life battery for power supply and 4 removable stickers for fixing the control unit on any substrate.
  • LED function for low battery indication

Please note that this product needs to be installed by a Legrand accredited Arteor with Netatmo installer for your warranty to be valid. Click Here for the list of accredited installers

To purchase this product, please consult the WHERE TO BUY section for your nearest Legrand Distributor or Reseller

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