2A85E0AA7-5B70-457B-8601-92BCFD85496CD94EB83F-B017-496A-9A04-A3FAC30C65079958B14A-4EBA-4EE4-AAFB-04C5BB490876413497Line interactive UPS-with IEC multi-socket outlet-1500 VA-900 W3100056735.7Residential\Back up Power\KEOR Single-Phase and DAKEI UPS9958B14A-4EBA-4EE4-AAFB-04C5BB490876269987310004_pw_216830_pz.jpg310004_pw_216830_pz.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Legrand\Catalogue\imagesD94EB83F-B017-496A-9A04-A3FAC30C65070Niky - Line Interactive UPS - Single phase VI UPS with IEC multi-socket outlets
The stated backup times in minutes are estimated and may vary according to the load characteristics, operating conditions and environment
Nominal power : 1500 VA
Active power : 900 W
Backup time : 5 to 30 min
No. of sockets IEC : 6
Communication ports : USB
Line interactive UPS-with IEC multi-socket outlet-1500 VA-900 W