2C248A984-BFDC-40D0-91C4-D05502CEE6C790570D84-0672-45BA-9056-F63A2A68E3B890570D84-0672-45BA-9056-F63A2A68E3B8513358Lamp-for emergency lighting luminaires-3.6 V-1 A-3.6 W (E10)06093197.55 Commercial\Safety\Emergency Lighting\LED portable lamp379E3A09-799C-4C19-985A-C48B45C5BAA2270395060931.jpg060931.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Legrand\Catalogue\images90570D84-0672-45BA-9056-F63A2A68E3B80LED portable lamp and spare parts
LED portable lamp
Lamps - E10
  • 3.6 V - 1 A - 3.6 W (E 10)

Lamp-for emergency lighting luminaires-3.6 V-1 A-3.6 W (E10)

  1. Commercial
  2.  > Safety
  3.  > Emergency Lighting
  4.  > LED portable lamp
Code: 060931
LED portable lamp and spare parts
LED portable lamp
Lamps - E10
  • 3.6 V - 1 A - 3.6 W (E 10)

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