284DC4B6F-780E-4265-A591-F38788053DE92A41E3AC-6033-41FA-9425-8E76172E701D2A41E3AC-6033-41FA-9425-8E76172E701D513287Emergency luminaire U21-std maintained, non maintained-350 lm-1h-LED661607
3535.77 http://docdif.fr.grpleg.com/general/MEDIAGRP/CERTIF//LGFAJKRPTY.PDF http://docdif.fr.grpleg.com/general/MEDIAGRP/NP-FT-GT//LE06909AE.pdfCommercial\Safety\Emergency Lighting\Standard luminaires379E3A09-799C-4C19-985A-C48B45C5BAA2270395661607.jpg661607.jpg(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Legrand\Catalogue\images2A41E3AC-6033-41FA-9425-8E76172E701D0U21LED - indoor self-contained emergency lighting luminaires LED- LED maintained and non maintained units
- Certified to IECand EN60598-2-22 standards
- High power LEDs
- IP 42 - IK 04
- Duration: 1 and 3 hours. Ni-Cd or Ni-MH batteries
- Recharge time: 24 hours. Charge monitor with a green LED
- Power supply: 230 V~ ,%#%plusmn;10% - 50/60Hz. Class II
- High capacity screw terminals (2 x 2.5 mm ²)
- Flush-mounting in dry partitions (ceiling & wall): add flush-mounting frame Cat.No 6 617 20. Flush-mounting in masonry (brick or concrete wall): add both flush-mounting box Cat. No 0 617 21 and flush-mounting frame Cat.No 6 617 20
- To be equipped with labels. Can be equipped withmetallic protection gridsCat.Nos 0 626 90/92
Standard luminaires
- Require normal lighting manual switching off in order to test emergency lighting
Maintained / Non-maintained (M/NM)
- Can also operate in Nonmaintainedmode according to the wiring of normal lighting
All prices are VAT Inclusive
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