2E13AFFAA-13CD-4BCC-81EA-B1A12B5D6442766B7AD6-4BA0-4C47-9B24-9E8B74DAD8DCC6E037E3-6B93-45F4-80C0-76B2B16A5C3654Arteor 1 Lever Bell / Dimmer Press - 2 X 4 MagnesiumP1DSMM301.9730.00001:2023-01-30_13-20-58|1:2023-01-30_13-21-11Residential\Wiring Devices\Arteor\Magnesium Switches766B7AD6-4BA0-4C47-9B24-9E8B74DAD8DCMagnesium 1 lever Switch.pngMagnesium 1 lever Switch.png(PATHUPLOAD)\__upload\Legrand\Catalogue\images766B7AD6-4BA0-4C47-9B24-9E8B74DAD8DC0The Arteor Switches and Sockets range offers carefully crafted masterpieces to give any space an elegant yet discrete look, adding to the design without distracting attention. Clean lines and a pared-down look define the design philosophy of the range.262.58

Arteor 1 Lever Bell / Dimmer Press - 2 X 4 Magnesium

  1. Residential
  2.  > Wiring Devices
  3.  > Arteor
  4.  > Magnesium Switches
Code: P1DSMM
The Arteor Switches and Sockets range offers carefully crafted masterpieces to give any space an elegant yet discrete look, adding to the design without distracting attention. Clean lines and a pared-down look define the design philosophy of the range.

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